Literature Review The recommended steps following the study purpose include the literature review, theoretical framework, research question, methodology section, data analysis, and the findings (Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan, ). The three primary sections in the article are method (which includes instruments and procedure), results, and discussion IntroductionA research paper is much like the mirror reflection of the research proceedings, where the researcher provides the fragments of the proceedings in such a manner that in the end it would remind one a completed jigsaw puzzle with each fragment is fitted in its appropriate compartment to provide a complete picture the last year, a number of poor papers have been submitted to the journal. Papers submitted to the journal are now reviewed using one of four check-lists, which are designed to evaluate papers that report either a research study or a review of the lit-erature or a systematic review or a case report. Instructions to authors and all four check
Critical Review of a Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words
and published in in the British Journal of Cancer, volumepages The evaluation provides a description of the aims, findings and arguments put forward in the article, a critical appraisal of the issues, theories and concepts included in the article and an assessment of the sources of information used in the article.
The title of the article — How traumatic is breast cancerPost-traumatic stress symptoms PTSS and risk factors for severe PTSS at 3 and 15 months after surgery in sample critical review of a research paper nationwide cohort of Danish women treated for primary breast cancer — is an accurate representation of what is included in the article, as the article, indeed, talks about PTSS and risk factors for severe PTSS in Danish women treated for primary breast cancer.
The title is a very accurate description of what is included in the article. Hire a subject expert to help you with Critical evaluation of a research article.
The clarity of the aim, coupled with the clear and accurately descriptive title, allows the reader of the article to orient themselves as to what the authors will be discussing in the body of the article.
It is easy for the reader to feel that the authors ha a clear idea of what their research was, where it fits in the body of research and literature in this subject and, on this basis, how they would carry their research out. The objectives of the article are made not made so clear by the authors, but it can be understood, from the very clear stated aim, that the objective of the article was to determine what the prevalence and risk factors are for PTSS in primary breast cancer survivors in Denmark.
In terms of the rationale for the study, the authors make clear, in the first sentence of the abstract, that the literature in this area, whilst extensive, is not concurrent, in that there are variations, across the reports in the research, as to the prevalence of PTSS in women living with and recovering from breast cancer.
In terms of the inclusion criteria for the sample, it was important that all women included had no history of other cancers and that the women could read and write in Danish to ensure that they fully understood, and could respond to, the questionnaire used to collect the data. This was to ensure that the women had all received the same treatment, at the same time, to ensure that any potential bias was reduced.
Bias could have been introduced, for example, sample critical review of a research paper, if the women selected for study had been in recovery for longer or if the women had all received different treatment modalities or if the women was still living with breast cancer: by selecting women on the basis of sample critical review of a research paper certain date for the surgery, and a certain treatment modality, and by applying the strict inclusion criteria, the researchers minimised the potential effects of bias, ensuring as high a possible validity and reliability for the results found Gerrish and Lacey, As Roberts et al.
For research to be helpful, the research process and the results reported need to be as clear and transparent as possible: misleading information will cause the reader to doubt the research process and, therefore, the validity of the results reported. These variables were collected in order to test, statistically, the relationships between the degree of PTSS found in the patients and all of the variables, to see if there were any pervasive links between the presence of PTSS and any particular variable.
Comparisons between the independent variables and the PTSS score, as measured via the IES, were conducted using chi-squared tests. It can be seen, therefore, sample critical review of a research paper, that sample critical review of a research paper statistical tests used were appropriate for the type of data collected: the use of non-parametric tests, sample critical review of a research paper, for example, was appropriate, given the fact that the variances were found to differ markedly amongst respondents Bryman and Cramer, The use of the chi-squared test in this case is also appropriate, as discussed in Sample critical review of a research papergiven the fact that all participants were independent and that frequency data was collected from the participants via the questionnaire.
Overall, sample critical review of a research paper, then, the selection and use of the statistical tests to analyse the data were appropriate, giving confidence that the data analysis was conducted appropriately and that the results found from the analyses are reliable. Regarding the predictors of PTSS in women surviving breast cancer, the presence of severe PTSS was related to older age at 3 months post-surgery.
Higher educational attainment was strongly related to a reduced chance of developing PTSS, sample critical review of a research paper.
Given the strong link between these factors and the development of PTSS, there is an argument to be made that women patients with breast cancer who have such risk factors should be offered counselling pre- and post-surgery in order to be able to help to mitigate the risk factors and help these women to avoid developing PTSS.
Regarding the conclusion of the article, in terms of whether the conclusions drawn are justified, as has been discussed in the critique of the article, the authors took every precaution possible to ensure that the sample selection and data collection were designed in such a way that the risk of bias was minimised, this increasing the reliability and validity sample critical review of a research paper the findings, and conclusions, presented in the article.
This means that the conclusions drawn are not only justified, in terms of the aim of the article, but also that the conclusions from the article can be considered robust and, therefore, trustworthy. The significance of the article, in terms of the contribution it makes to knowledge in this area is great. Additionally, given the large sample size of the article and the rigour of the data collection and data analysis, sample critical review of a research paper, the results obtained can be argued to be very robust Creswell, and, therefore, of high reliability.
Knowing what factors cause women to experience greater levels of trauma post-surgery is very useful as this knowledge can be used to target those women at greater risk of suffering PTSS and, equipped with this knowledge, delivering counselling to these women to ensure that their risk of developing PTSS is lessened. In general terms, then, the article — if its findings were transmitted through the general media — would be helpful to women as women could, if they were at risk of developing PTSS following surgery, seek help themselves from their medical team.
As PTSS has been linked to depression and other psychiatric problems in breast cancer survivors Morrill et al. References Andersen, M. et al. Frequent search for sense by long-term breast cancer survivors associated with reduced HRQOL. Womens Health 47, sample critical review of a research paper, Bryman, A.
and Cramer, D. Quantitative data analysis for social scientists. Taylor Francis. Cormack, D. The research process in nursing.
Creswell, J. Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Morrill, E. The interaction of post-traumatic growth and post-traumatic stress symptoms in predicting depressive symptoms and quality of life. Psychooncology 17, Tjemsland, L. Posttraumatic distress symptoms in operable breast cancer III: status one year after surgery. Breast Cancer 47, Critical evaluation of a research article. Free Essays - PhDessay, sample critical review of a research paper.
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Here is a sample extract from a critical review of an article. In this brochure only the introduction and conclusion are included. We thank Suwandi Tijia for allowing us to use his critical review in this resource. Title Introduction Introduces the author and topic area. Presents the aim/purpose of the article Key findings Reviewer’s judgement ConclusionFile Size: 67KB · This work presents a critical evaluation of the research article entitled, ‘How traumatic is breast cancerPost-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and risk factors for severe PTSS at 3 and 15 months after surgery in a nationwide cohort of Danish women treated for primary breast cancer’, written by O’Connor et al. and published in in the British Journal of Cancer, volume , pages The evaluation the last year, a number of poor papers have been submitted to the journal. Papers submitted to the journal are now reviewed using one of four check-lists, which are designed to evaluate papers that report either a research study or a review of the lit-erature or a systematic review or a case report. Instructions to authors and all four check
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