Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay for communication

Essay for communication

essay for communication

Communication is everything that enables delivering and receiving a certain message. It includes wide variety of means, such as television, radio, cell phones, social media, body language and even art. Communication is a fantastic subject for an essay, because it offers you endless amount of topics and perspectives to write about 20/12/ · An Essay About Introduction to Communication Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver Communication can be defined as an interactive form of information exchange between two parties or people. It involves sending and receiving messages through verbal, written, and audio-visual channels. The earliest form of communication was through paintings, symbols, and cave carvings

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The word communication has many ramifications. It is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment. Through such interac­tions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other. Such interactions take place through the exchange of information through essay for communication, gestures, essay for communication, signs, symbols, and expressions, essay for communication.

In organizations, communication is a continuous process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships. Without common un­derstanding, communication in organizations creates more misunderstand­ings and people may become directionless.

Today, we talk about a shared vision in organizations. To develop a shared vision, we need effective com­munication mechanisms. Even for day-to-day operational issues, communi­cation plays a great role in clarifying doubts and in making the efforts of the people result oriented. What essay for communication important for us is to understand that in our ancient texts, we have enough reference of non-verbal communication be­tween man, nature, and animals.

Communication with nature and animals was considered the best way to reinforce learning in the Indian gurukul sys­tem of learning. Therefore, communication is as old as our civilization. Even in pre-civilization days, non-verbal communication was in existence between man, nature, and animals.

In organizations, however, language-based or verbal communication is more important. With language, communication within and outside the orga­nizations became much more effective and global.

With market globalization, the English language has been accepted essay for communication a medium of communication even by the countries such as China, Japan, Russia, France, and Germany, whose considered policy was to communicate—while trading with the various coun­tries of the world—in their own languages, but that did not work well, essay for communication. There­fore, with language, communication in organizations becomes much more simple and meaningful.

An all-inclusive definition of communication is difficult to develop, obviously because of its all-encompassing nature. Hence, to the extent possible, we will restrict our efforts to define communication in the organizational context.

From the organizational point of view, therefore, communication has the features of interaction, interchange, sharing, and commonness.

Communication is a two way process. It involves a sender and a receiver. The sender or receiver can be an individual or a group. All communication carries a message. Message can be in the form of information, a directive, an enquiry, a feeling, an opinion, essay for communication idea, or in any other form.

Communication can occur only when there is commonness of under­standing between the sender and the receiver. The commonness in­cludes factors like common culture, common language, essay for communication, and common environment. Words, phrases, idioms, proverbs, gestures, and expres­sions are deeply cultured and possess high communicative potential for people from similar backgrounds. Communication must be able to evoke a response from the receiver, which would be evident in the form of some behavioural changes.

The method of communication can be verbal, that is, through words, or essay for communication, that is, through signs, essay for communication, expressions, etc. All these five elements can also be called the process of communication, that is, sender, message, method, receiver, and response of receiver.

Verbal communication is the use of words and languages for interaction between two or more individuals. It can be either oral or written. Hence, speaking, listening, reading, or writing are all classified under verbal communication. Since this type of communication elicits immediate feedback, in organizations, we make extensive use of verbal communication. Non-verbal communication can occur without use of words. This type of communication sensitizes our senses, and thereby evokes responses, depend­ing on the way we interpret a particular cue.

It is often referred to as body language, that is, any non-flexile or re-flexile body movements of the commu­nicator that carry some meaning. Gestures, facial expressions, glancing, star­ing, smiling, and raising of finger are some examples of body language that carry some meaning. In organizations, non-verbal communication is very important for interpersonal relations. Based on organizational practices, communication can further be divided into internal and external, essay for communication, formal and informal, essay for communication, downward and upward, essay for communication, horizontal and diagonal, and grapevine.

Flow of information within the organization is known as internal communication, essay for communication, which may be either formal or informal in nature.

External communication takes place between two organizations, that is, between the organizations and others outside the organizations. Formal communication is official communication, while informal communication takes place between members within the formal organization. Communication that flows from superiors to subordinates essay for communication downward communication, whereas communication that flows from subordinates to superiors is upward communication.

Horizontal communica­tion takes place between two equals, that is, between persons working at the same level in organizations. Diagonal communication cuts across the hierarchical barriers. However, this is formal in nature. For example, direct communication from a field sales person to the vice president HR is diagonal in nature. We may notice that they are not only functionally apart but also hierarchically different.

These apart, for globally dispersed organiza­tions, we have the system of network communication. Your Article Library Home Static Main Menu Home Share Your Files Disclaimer Privacy Policy Contact Us Prohibited Content Prohibited Content Image Guidelines Plagiarism Prevention Content Filtrations Terms of Service Account Disabled. Related Articles: 7 Major Elements of Communication Essay for communication Steps for Effective Communication: 10 Steps. Power and Empowerment— Power to the People.

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What is Communication? Free Essay Example

essay for communication

Communication is everything that enables delivering and receiving a certain message. It includes wide variety of means, such as television, radio, cell phones, social media, body language and even art. Communication is a fantastic subject for an essay, because it offers you endless amount of topics and perspectives to write about 14/3/ · can write a Custom Essay on Communication for You! Basic communication skills include questioning, listening, explaining and reflecting. We should put these skills into practice if we want to achieve consensus with the partner. But there exist communication barriers that can spoil the communication process Communication can be defined as an interactive form of information exchange between two parties or people. It involves sending and receiving messages through verbal, written, and audio-visual channels. The earliest form of communication was through paintings, symbols, and cave carvings

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