Thursday, May 20, 2021

Is google making us stupid essay

Is google making us stupid essay

is google making us stupid essay

Is google making us stupid essay for essay. In this written article titled Is Google Making Us Stupid the author Nicholas Carr states how the technology has stupid the lives of many humans making us to become lazy. It is so much easier to essay on google google find what you making. Nicholas Carr has really based his finding by the view of Is Google Making Us Stupid by Nicholas Carr Essay Words | 4 Pages. In the article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, he begins the article with a description of a scene in Stanley Kubrick’s A Space Odyssey. In the Space Odyssey Training specialists backing that Google is making us progressively dumb stressed the harming impacts that an over-dependence on innovation can have on mental limit. Those denouncing said that quick access to data implies understudies can learn quicker and get more brilliant, not idiotic, because of blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

Is Google Making Us Stupid: Summary and Response Essay | Bartleby

Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work, is google making us stupid essay. His thesis is that each technological progression of society changes the manner in which the human brain works and changes is google making us stupid essay physical properties of the brain, i.

growing neuron connections while deleting others, is google making us stupid essay. While Carr admits that each technological change is google making us stupid essay both negative and positive effects, he presents the progression from print media to electronic media in a particularly negative light. Electronic media of various sorts have divided the attention of the reader and resulted in an electronically induced attention-deficit disorder.

In my own experience, Facebook provides a perfect example. I maintain a Facebook profile. The amount of material on my profile, both of my own origination and that of my friends, is likely enough to constitute several books.

Because I manage this profile, continually updating it with the often inane events of my life, and allow my friends to send content about the events of their lives, my Facebook has an overwhelming amount of information.

Mentally, the only way to manage this information is to break it into small chunks of information that I can quickly scan, ignore, organize, and digest. The process that I apply to managing my Facebook profile has become such an ingrained routine that it has penetrated the ways in which my mind processes information. When presented with a long book or article, I immediately turn to the back of the book or search for the abstract of the article.

When conducting research, I pull articles from databases and often read no further than the short summary provided with the full text. I find it difficult to concentrate long enough to engage fully with a lengthy text.

My brain has started to apply the routine of information management from Facebook to all scenarios involving information management. My brain has definitely changed, but I believe that the reason that it has is not solely because of electronic media but because of the massive amount of information that I am called upon to process daily.

Carr argues that technology forces the reader, and the experienced writer, into a different manner of writing based on influence of the medium. Facebook, by the manner in which it was designed, calls for brevity and intense focus in writing. A post on the wall must communicate its message within a very limited number of characters. Additionally, though the Facebook profile is full of information, few people, including myself, delve any further than the posts on the feed on the main page.

When writing on Facebook, I write almost like a journalist, leading with my most important fact or event and then getting into any details. The manner in which I write for my profile has begun to influence all my other writing as well. It has changed my brain. I now find it very difficult to write long sentences that develop into complex ideas. Instead, I find myself reaching for the headline or the tagline.

This effect has spilled into my academic writing. Though I have been taught to vary my sentence types and constructions, I find myself writing simple sentences that are essentially a summary of my important points. I have become more like Nietzsche in that my writing has changed from complex to simple in structure. The process the mind uses to assimilate information from an electronic medium is different than the method used for a printed text.

In an electronic medium like the internet, the eye moves all over the page, and the brain follows trains of thought in the same manner that the eye wanders. When I am on Facebook, I notice this effect. From this page, instead of moving to my profile, I begin clicking links to see the information that is google making us stupid essay friends have posted.

Eventually, an hour passes and I find that I have followed a path with very little meaning. I have simply been clicking on anything of interest to me repeatedly. If I were to draw a map of my track, it would resemble the old video game, Centipede, or a complex maze, constantly moving forward, recursing, and inching forward again. This pattern has begun to emerge in my analysis of readings. When I read a long, complex argument, I find it difficult to break it into pieces.

I will isolate a premise, but I will then trace that premise far from the original writing. In the end, I find myself so far off track that is google making us stupid essay is difficult to return to the argument. Lastly, and most importantly, despite all the pessimistic arguments that Carr makes against is google making us stupid essay media, he does identify one positive effect, efficiency.

Because of the time I have spent interacting with electronic media, I am a much more efficient consumer of information. When using Facebook, my mind is forced to digest information as a whole.

I must take in the whole page and then sift out the relevant and useful meaning within the page. This capability makes me much more efficient at digesting a text and at identifying patterns. The skills that I am learning on Facebook directly translate into academic and real-world experiences. When confronted with a long text, I am quickly able to locate relevant information and process that information.

Additionally, I am quickly able to discard information that is mainly filler. I can complete tasks at a faster rate and with a greater degree of precision. When teaching an older person to use a computer, I have noticed that the learner is is google making us stupid essay slow to move the cursor and is slow in processing the information. The amount of information on the screen is overwhelming and often an older person does not have the skills to sift through that much data at one time.

Based on my personal experience, the critique that Carr levies against digital media is perhaps just a critique of print media. Maybe the text that is overlong is trying to communicate too much.

Compare a 19 th century novel to a 20 th century novel. The average page length of the 20 th century novel is significantly less. However, does this mean that the 20 th century novel is less complex? The idea that length and complexity are interrelated is fallacious. A writing is not more complex for being longer.

In fact, the opposite is often true. Creating a complex work in a small amount of space is very difficult. The influence of electronic media is that it makes the creator focus on the message, is google making us stupid essay. It requires the reduction of extraneous information in pursuit of clarity and brevity.

Instead of assuming that the change from print to electronic media is negative, perhaps we should assume that it is positive, is google making us stupid essay.

As Carr notes in his article, Socrates was dismayed at the invention of written language believing it would lead to a decline in thought and ability. Instead, it led to an increase. Carr is very close to becoming a Socrates as are many of the doomsayers and critiques of modern information mediums. Birkerts, Sven. Boston Review.

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Is Google Making us Stupid? -

is google making us stupid essay

Is Google Making Us Stupid by Nicholas Carr Essay Words | 4 Pages. In the article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, he begins the article with a description of a scene in Stanley Kubrick’s A Space Odyssey. In the Space Odyssey Nicholas Carr’s essay, “Is Google Making Us Stupid,†examines sweeping technological changes in society and the effect these changes have on individuals. His thesis is that each technological progression of society changes the manner in which the human brain works and changes the physical properties of the brain, i.e. growing neuron connections while deleting others. Thus, the Is google making us stupid essay for essay. In this written article titled Is Google Making Us Stupid the author Nicholas Carr states how the technology has stupid the lives of many humans making us to become lazy. It is so much easier to essay on google google find what you making. Nicholas Carr has really based his finding by the view of

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