Thursday, May 20, 2021

Life is not fair essay

Life is not fair essay

life is not fair essay

The saying that “life’s not fair” has been used both as a phrase to explain how someone has been treated, and as a wise word to a person thinking that everything in life Jul 10,  · Life Is Not Fair. There seems to be a lot of talk these days about what is fair, and what is not. President Obama seems to believe life should be fair, that "everybody should have a fair shake. " Some of the 99% seem to believe life has treated them unfairly, and some of the 1% percent feel life hasn't treated them fairly blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Sep 29,  · Life is not easy, Life is not fair. I believe life is not fair. I know that sounds kind of harsh, but I’ve watched many people who waste their lives moping around because life hasn’t gone the way they thought it should have. When I was about four years old all until I was about twelve, I was one of those people

FREE Something in Life is just not Fair Essay

Life is unfair, and it is life is not fair essay fact. Observe how love always comes in pain, how smiles always ends up in tears and how happiness turns into sorrow. How many lives are suffering from poverty?

just because of the corruption. Some government officials are corrupting the money for themselves, life is not fair essay, they can enjoy that money even though it was not from their sweat and own bloods and hardships. How many people are homeless? life is too unfair, some are sleeping across the streets, while the rich ones are laying on their huge and smooth beds. Observe nowadays, we are already invaded by them, we must be proud of our own goods and origins. But then because of their attractive and updated things that they are selling inside the Philippines, our origins is slowly fading little by little.

We must act. Some are eating delicious delicacies, while some are eating rice with salt because of much expensive products. Nowadays, oil price already boosted, prices of can goods and other products became higher than it used to be before, and Filipinos, especially those in the lowest class cannot reach that standards anymore.

Life is too short, so we must enjoy it while it lasts, but how others can enjoy life while suffering with horrible pain? they cannot even smile for a second. We must not blame anyone, nor this life. We must be inspired by this unfair way of living, for us to realized the real worth of life. Always think that life is just like you are in a graduation, maybe it is not yet your turn, and you are not yet able to be life is not fair essay stage, just remember despite of how long the current person stands on the stage, there will be and there must be a time for your turn, you will walk towards the stage when the mike itself finally called you, stand straight, smile and give them your lovely fierce look, and wait for their applause.

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Life Is Not Fair

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Life is not fair essay | The Quay House

life is not fair essay

Life is unfair, and it is the fact. Observe how love always comes in pain, how smiles always ends up in tears and how happiness turns into sorrow. How many lives are suffering from poverty? just because of the government officials are corrupting the money for themselves, they can enjoy that money even though it was not from their sweat and own bloods and Dec 05,  · Life is Not Fair Essay Language Arts 7 th period Why are some people born with health problems and others are healthy? Why do some people have a lot of luck while others don’t seem to have any? Everyone faces things in life that they feel are blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Life should not be viewed as fair because people would be given exactly what they deserve when what they really need is grace, instead we should give them justice, but honestly what is the difference between fairness and justice? We often confuse the terms justice and fairness. We assume that if something is just it has to be fair

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